The Interreg VI / HUSKROUA 2021-2027

- public authorities - bodies governed by public law - as a general rule non-profit organisations governed by private law

The Interreg VI / HUSKROUA 2021-2027

1st Call for Proposals
HUSKROUA 2021-2027

Programme and financing source:
The Interreg VI-A NEXT Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Programme (the Programme ) is implemented under the Cohesion Policy within the 2021-2027 European Union financial framework under the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) approved by the EC by its decision C(2022) 8029 on the 3 November 2022.
Programme area:
The programme area covers the following NUTS III level equivalent regions
in Hungary:
- Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg
- Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén
in Slovakia:
- Košický kraj
- Prešovský kraj
in Romania:
- Maramureş
- Satu Mare
- Suceava
in Ukraine:
- Zakarpattia oblast
- Ivano-Frankivsk oblast
- Chernivtsi oblast
Eligible Applicants:
The following organisations are eligible to apply for the funding allocated to the Programme:
- public authorities
- bodies governed by public law
- as a general rule non-profit organisations governed by private law
For a detailed description of eligible applicants, please consult Chapter 2 of the Guidelines for applicants (GfA).
Priorities and Objectives, Type of Actions:
The following Priorities and Objectives are opened under the 1st CfP:
Priority 1: A resilient and green border region
Objective 1.1: Climate change adaptation, risk prevention
Objective 1.2: Biodiversity and reduced pollution
Priority 2: A healthy and attractive border region
Objective 2.1: Equal access to health care
Objective 2.2: Culture
Priority 3: A cooperating border region
Objective 3.1: Harmonious neighbourly relations through cooperation
Objective 3.2: A safer and more secure Europe
For the indicative list of activities and their detailed descriptions for each of the priorities and objectives opened, please read Chapter 1.4 of the GfA.
Please note that the projects solely focusing on tourism activity cannot be submitted and supported. Nevertheless, a cultural project might have such activity, which might have an impact on tourism, those projects can be submitted and might be eligible for funding.
Indicative total funds available, scales of projects:
The total available EU contribution for the present Call for Proposals is 49 993 185 EUR.
The Programme will support projects of different scales. The scales are defined as follows:
- The EU contribution to a Small-scale project (marked with SSP) can be above or equal to 70 thousand and below 300 thousand EUR
- Regular-scale project (RSP) can be above or equal to 300 thousand and below 2,5 million EUR
- Large-scale project (LSP) can be above or equal to 2,5 million EUR and below or equal to 5,0 million EUR.
The below table shows the indicative distribution of the total available EU amount between the priorities and objectives within the present call, also specifying the indicative EU contribution available per project scales.
Co-financing rate, advance payment:
On project level, the Union co-financing rate is maximum 90% of the total eligible expenditure. The Union co-financing rate shall not exceed 90% on project and on partner-level.

The remaining amount (as a general rule 10%) shall be financed from national sources (state contribution and/or own contribution of Applicants), which may differ per participating countries as described in Chapter 8 of the GfA.

Once the Lead Beneficiary concludes the Subsidy Contract with the Managing Authority an advance in an amount of maximum 25% of the total EU allocation of a project will automatically be granted.

Selection of projects:
The description of the assessment, selection and contracting process is available in Chapter 11 of the GfA.

APPLICATION PACKAGE for the 1st CfP is comprised of the following documents:
Guidelines for Applicants - the basic document of the application package that includes all the most important information and details regarding the call for proposals.

Annexes to the Application:
Annex I: Declaration by the applicant - a general declaration obligatory for all applicants
Annex II: De minimis declaration by the applicant - a declaration regarding De minimis obligatory for all applicants except those not receiving financial support

Guides and Manuals:
Annex III: Eligibility of expenditures - a document that defines the eligibility rules of expenditures for applicants, also includes Procurement rules for Ukrainian Partners as Appendix A
Annex IV: Indicator guide - a detailed explanation of programme-level indicators
Annex V: Visibility manual - a manual describing Programme’s brand standards, requirements and rules of usage of its elements. The Visibility manual also contains description of info and publicity packages.
Annex VI: User Manual of INTERREG+ Application module - a detailed description of the way to submit the application within the INTERREG+ system. Will be provided later than the launching of the Call, when the Application module is made available.
Annex VII: State Aid - a document summarizing the applicable State aid rules

The package also contains annexes that are shared only for informing purposes by the application phase and will be necessary later at the contracting phase:
Draft Subsidy Contract for EU Contribution (includes General Terms and Conditions)
Draft Partnership Agreement

Templates of Application Form and Budget are provided for information purposes only, until the opening of the Application module in INTERREG+, to get acquainted with the content of the application. The LogFrame template is also provided to visualize how it will be composed by the system upon the complete filling in of the application. Please note that the content of the present provided templates may vary from the future official application platform.

In the application period, Applicants may ask for information, guidance and clarification from the designated contact persons of the JS and the Branch Offices by phone or via e-mail. Personal consultations are provided only at pre-arranged appointments in JS office.

Institution: Joint Secretariat of the Interreg VI-A NEXT Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine
Address: Széchenyi Programme Office Limited Liability Company
H-1053 Budapest, Szép utca 2., 4th floor

Branch Office in the Slovak Republic (host organization):
Košice Self-governing Region
Prešov Self-governing Region
Námestie Maratónu mieru 1,
042 66 Košice, Slovakia
Námestie Mieru 2, 080 01 Prešov, Slovakia
Contact person:
Ms. Barbora Kováčová, Branch Office expert
Mrs. Balaníková Natália, Branch Office expert
+421 55 6196 664
+421 948 640017
+421 51 7081 545
Branch Office in Romania (host organization):
Satu Mare County Intercommunity Development Association
Maramures County Council and
Sighetu Marmatiei Town Hall
25 October Square, no. 1, Satu Mare, Romania, 440026
Bogdan Voda Street, no. 14, Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures County, Romania
Contact person:
Franciska Őri-Pákay
Marian Ferțadi
Branch Office in Ukraine (host organization):
Contact person:
Zakarpattia Regional State Administration
Branch Office expert in the Zakarpattia Oblast
Ms. Olesia Tragniuk
+380 50 325 31 51
Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration
Branch Office expert in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
Mrs. Oksana Shyychuk
+380 50 258 79 63

Note: Questions may be asked over the phone, however if you prefer to receive a written answer, questions should be put in writing (e-mail) but not later than 7 calendar days before the deadline of submission of the applications.
Info Days and Partner Search Forum: The Joint Secretariat of the Programme and its Branch offices will organize Info days preferably with physical presence in all eligible counties or online if not feasible. Partner Search Forum will be held online. For the dates and venues please consult the Programme website and upcoming Programme Newsletter.

Full applications and supporting documents must be submitted electronically via INTERREG+ system. When you start filling in the application form, please consult the User Manual of the INTERREG+ Application Module. The link to the Application platform and the Manual will be made available later on the Programme website.
The language of application forms is English. Application forms in languages other than English will be rejected.
For full list of supporting documents to be submitted please read Chapter 10.4 of the GfA.
The Applications for Small-scale Projects and Regular-Scale Projects without infrastructure budget line shall be submitted online via the Application Module of INTERREG+ by 20 December 2023, 15:00 (Central European Time). Applications submitted after the given deadline will be considered formally non-compliant and will not be considered further.
The Application for Regular-Scale Projects with infrastructure budget line and Large-Scale Projects must be submitted online via the Application Module of INTERREG+ by 14 March 2024, 15:00 (Central European Time). Applications submitted after the given deadline will be considered formally non-compliant and will not be considered further.

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